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Proven Success.


Data Analysis in Action: How Lithuanian Retailer Ukmergė RVK Improves Efficiency with Datawiz BI

Find out how Ukmergė RVK store chain optimizes its business processes with Datawiz BI. From data analysis to efficiency improvement

Feedback from Taistra Group on Datawiz BI integration and the impact of the solution

We asked our client, Taisra Group, why they chose our analytical solution, what BI functionality they use in their work, and how they optimized business processes after integrating Datawiz BI.

"Everyone should have access to data". Testimonial from SHARJAH COOP

So we asked our client, SHARJAH COOP, how they use our business intelligence reports...

Insights from SMK Group. How BI service helps to increase network efficiency

The Rulka supermarket chain, part of the SMK Group holding, has recently integrated the BI analytical service into its processes.