Digital platform for retailer’s data selling to Suppliers

Earn up to 2,5% of incremental revenue from the powerful insights you will share with your suppliers
Retailers generate big data every day: sales, items, stocks, receipts, promo and other information. If this data is properly collected, connected and analyzed, it supports to cut the losses (OOS, overstocks, product for adjustments, promo), to improve floor planning (complementary products), to have higher promo penetration (smart promo). Also:
- to grow the average receipt size (+11,2%)
- to attract new clients
- to increase the frequency of visits (+14%)
- to increase basket size
Data Monetization is the key solution that is impacting Retailers' EBITDA bringing incrementally up to 2,5% of additional revenue from the suppliers. It supports them to control live level of service, to improve stock management, promo effectiveness, predict OOS, to manage properly assortment and use the most effective promo mechanics relevant for your chain!
Supplier access platform is the key platform for big retailers and includes more than 30 powerful ready interactive reports for suppliers with more than 300 available daily updated facts with the capabilities to create own dashboards by suppliers based on scope of data that retailer will provide to suppliers. Fast to establish, BESt world practice inside, daily automatic updates, valuable and real impact on supplier business and strong revenue outcome to retailers

Data Monetization. How does it work?
Retail chain
Provides the supplier with paid access to data/packages on the BES platform. Chain managers can independently determine what data and in what terms they need to provide access and create a personal account for each supplier
Get access to their account on the BES platform. The reporting of the platform allows them to analyze the sales, items, receipts, stocks, promo, loyalty data on a daily basis up to SKU level with the capability to create own customized dashboards what will be daily updated
Benefits for retailers

Digital portal for selling data
The platform provides a convenient and easy-to-use tool for accessing data. All the data that needs to be provided to the supplier is already structured and collected in one place. Chain managers can only create customized packages and provide data access to suppliers with the flexible limitations. For example: by stores, categories, brands, SKUs, periods, facts, reports. The whole process will take 5-10 minutes only, after that all the data will be daily updated. Retailer can also monitor the activity of each supplier and get information about what they analyze on the platform
Transparency of relations
Key solution to improve strategic and daily cooperation with the suppliers that improves their business (cutting losses from the OOS, overstocks, not effective promo and improving the level of service and basket size of supplier’s customers). Providing whole category data the chain and the supplier will have the same analytical data what will support to both sides to find the right arguments for a successful negotiation campaign.This will help to build strategic, transparent and mutually beneficial business relationships

Incremental revenue
Earning up to 2,5% of incremental revenue from the suppliers depending on data package retailer will share with the suppliers
Benefits for Suppliers
Engagement with the retailer and data transparency
Sales improvement
Fast reaction on gaps, issues with availability, prices or specific items bad performance (demand issue)
Stocks Management
Cost saving on sales/merchandising team, lost sales decreasing based on better OOS prediction and improving level of service
Opportunity to develop own dashboards and share it internally
Promo efficiency
Promo mechanics improvement for the best ROI based on exact chain specific