2 de Octubre de 2024
RFM Analysis: An Effective Method for Retail Customer Segmentation
RFM Analysis: An Effective Method for Retail Customer Segmentation
Vadym Herman

Vadym Herman

Datawiz expert



Modern retail companies increasingly use analytical tools to increase business efficiency. One of the most effective methods is RFM analysis. This approach allows for the segmentation (division) of customers based on their activity, frequency of purchases, and the total amount of money spent in each retail store.


What is RFM Analysis?

RFM analysis is a tool for evaluating and segmenting customers based on three key indicators:

  • Recency – the time of the last purchase.
  • Frequency – the frequency of purchases.
  • Monetary – the average value of a purchase.

Thanks to the integration with Business Intelligence (BI) systems, this analysis can be done in real-time using data from the entire retail chain. By using RFM analysis, retailers can identify the most loyal and valuable customers and understand which segments require more active engagement and where it is most beneficial to invest resources.


How Do Analytical Services (BI) for Retail Work?

To conduct RFM analysis, it is essential to integrate modern store analysis programs. These analytical services for retail optimize retail data and automate data collection and processing, allowing businesses to gain critical insights. Business Intelligence (BI) services automatically process purchase data (usingABC and/or XYZ analysis), segment customers (RFM analysis), and help efficiently manage all retail business processes.

Business Intelligence (BI) services also enable deep analysis of customer behavior trends, which allows businesses to customize personalized marketing campaigns or develop well-thought-out promotional materials. For example, the most active customers can be offered exclusive discounts, while customers who shop infrequently can be targeted with loyalty programs.

Автоматизація ритейл-процесів: чому роздрібну торгівлю більше не можна вести "вручну"

RFM Analysis: Benefits for Retail Stores

RFM analysis helps optimize marketing strategies and increase the overall competitiveness of retail businesses. The main benefits of this approach for retail stores include:

  • Customer segmentation. It provides a clear understanding of how customers interact with the retail store.
  • Increased loyalty.Personalized offerskeep customers interested and lead to repeat purchases.
  • Optimized advertising costs. Focusing only on important segments improves the return on investment in marketing campaigns.


RFM analysis (along with ABC and XYZ analysis) is a vital tool for increasing the retail sector’s competitiveness. Using analytical services and special store analysis programs helps segment customers, set up personalized campaigns, and increase profitability. Thanks to Business Intelligence systems, companies can conduct all types of analysis and make real-time decisions.



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